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PKINIT - kinit - "No usable pa data type", any ideas?

Hi All,

I have a problem getting "kinit" to work. It exits with
the following error:

    kinit: krb5_get_init_creds: No usable pa data type

The kdc shows the following log:

2005-05-05T15:19:28 listening on IPv6:::1 port 88/udp
2005-05-05T15:19:28 listening on IPv6:::1 port 88/tcp
2005-05-05T15:19:28 listening on IPv6:::1 port 750/udp
2005-05-05T15:19:28 listening on IPv6:::1 port 750/tcp
2005-05-05T15:19:28 listening on IPv4: port 88/udp
2005-05-05T15:19:28 listening on IPv4: port 88/udp
2005-05-05T15:19:28 listening on IPv4: port 88/tcp
2005-05-05T15:19:28 listening on IPv4: port 88/tcp
2005-05-05T15:19:28 listening on IPv4: port 750/udp
2005-05-05T15:19:28 listening on IPv4: port 750/udp
2005-05-05T15:19:28 listening on IPv4: port 750/tcp
2005-05-05T15:19:28 listening on IPv4: port 750/tcp
2005-05-05T15:19:53 AS-REQ esylvain@CEDARPOINTCOM.COM from  
2005-05-05T15:19:53 Looking for PKINIT pa-data --  
2005-05-05T15:19:53 Looking for ENC-TS pa-data --  
2005-05-05T15:19:53 Using aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96/aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
2005-05-05T15:19:53 sending 623 bytes to IPv4:

Both the kdc and kinit are being run on the same machine based
on Fedora Core 3.  I am running from a base of heimdal-20050502.
Here are the specifics of my install, I am just starting to learn
about pkinit, so I will just lay everything out that I have done
so far, please feel free to correct any errors, as it may help
myself and others looking at the mail archives...

(Also, I have a few QUESTIONs below in parens)

1. Used the following link as a reference:

2. Obtain the http snapshot (use http, as ftp does not seem to work  
        download both matching snapshots of heimdal and asn1, for example

3. Build and install PKINIT capable Heimdal
    cd ~/heimdal-20050502
    tar xvzf heimdal-20050502.tar.gz
    tar xvzf asn1-choice-20050502.tar.gz
    mv heimdal-20050502/lib/asn1 heimdal-20050502/lib/asn1.old
    mv asn1-choice-20050502 heimdal-20050502/lib/asn1
    cd heimdal-20050502
    autoreconf -f
    echo "#define PKINIT 1" >> include/config.h
    ./configure --prefix=/usr \
                --exec-prefix=/usr \
                --with-openssl=/usr/bin \
                --with-openssl-lib=/usr/lib \
     make install

4. Obtain softpkcs package

5. Build and install softpkcs11
      tar xvzf soft-pkcs11-1.1.tar.gz
      cd soft-pkcs11-1.1
      ./configure --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr
      make install

6. Setup Certificate Authority, hit <ENTER> when prompted for filename
    Enter pass phrase. Fill in Country Name. Use FQDN as Common Name.
      cd ~
      /usr/share/ssl/misc/CA -newca
        CA certificate filename (or enter to create)
        Making CA certificate ...
        Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
        writing new private key to './demoCA/private/./cakey.pem'
        Enter PEM pass phrase: <password>
        Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase: <password>
        You are about to be asked to enter information that will be  
        into your certificate request.
        What you are about to enter is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
        There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
        For some fields there will be a default value,
        If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
        Country Name (2 letter code) [GB]:US
        State or Province Name (full name) [Berkshire]:New Hampshire
        Locality Name (eg, city) [Newbury]:Derry
        Organization Name (eg, company) [My Company Ltd]:Cedar Point
        Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
        Common Name (your name or server's hostname)  
        Email Address []:

7. Copy CA certificate to common location
      mkdir /usr/secure
      cd ~
      cp demoCA/cacert.pem /usr/secure/cacert.pem
      cp demoCA/private/cakey.pem /usr/secure/cakey.pem

7. Make a kdc certificate request
     cd ~
     /usr/share/ssl/misc/CA -newreq
       Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
       writing new private key to 'newreq.pem'
       Enter PEM pass phrase: <password>
       Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase: <password>
       You are about to be asked to enter information that will be  
       into your certificate request.
       What you are about to enter is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
       There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
       For some fields there will be a default value,
       If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
       Country Name (2 letter code) [GB]:US
       State or Province Name (full name) [Berkshire]:New Hampshire
       Locality Name (eg, city) [Newbury]:Derry
       Organization Name (eg, company) [My Company Ltd]:Cedar Point
       Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
       Common Name (your name or server's hostname)  
       Email Address []:

       Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
       to be sent with your certificate request
       A challenge password []: <password>
       An optional company name []: <Enter>
       Request (and private key) is in newreq.pem

(QUESTION: Should I be using this instead?)
(openssl req -new -nodes -keyout ???.pem -out newreq.pem)

8. Sign KDC certificate request
     cd ~
     /usr/share/ssl/misc/CA -sign
       Using configuration from /usr/share/ssl/openssl.cnf
       Enter pass phrase for ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem: <password>
       -cert details appear-
       Certificate is to be certified until May  6 13:17:56 2006 GMT (365  
       Sign the certificate? [y/n]: <y>
       1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n] <y>
       Write out database with 1 new entries
       -cert output appears-
       Signed certificate is in newcert.pem

9. Copy Certificate request to common location
      # mkdir /usr/secure/kdc
      # cp newreq.pem /usr/secure/kdc/kdckey.pem
      # cp newcert.pem /usr/secure/kdc/kdccert.pem
      # cd /usr/secure/kdc
      # ln -s ../cacert.pem `openssl x509 -noout -hash -in ../cacert.pem`.0

10. Use same certificate we created for the kdc, but for the clients

(QUESTION: Is this OK for now, or do I need to make new certs?)

      # mkdir /usr/secure/client
      # cp newreq.pem /usr/secure/client/clientkey.pem
      # cp newcert.pem /usr/secure/client/clientcert.pem
      # cd /usr/secure/client
      # ln -s ../cacert.pem `openssl x509 -noout -hash -in ../cacert.pem`.0

11. Configure the Heimdal config file used by clients and the kdc

(QUESTION: Are there other [kdc] pki fields to fill in below, this may be  

  default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
  kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
  admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log

  default_realm = CEDARPOINTCOM.COM
  dns_lookup_realm = false
  dns_lookup_kdc = false
  pkinit-openssl-engine =  

   kdc = xgige.cedarpointcom.com
   admin_server = xgige.cedarpointcom.com
   default_domain = cedarpointcom.com

  .cedarpointcom.com = CEDARPOINTCOM.COM
  cedarpointcom.com = CEDARPOINTCOM.COM

  profile = /var/xxkerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
  require-preauth = no
  enable-pkinit = yes
  pki-identity = FILE:/usr/secure/kdc/kdccert.pem,/usr/secure/kdc/kdckey.pem
  pki-anchors = OPENSSL-ANCHOR-DIR:/usr/secure/kdc

  pkinit-anchors = OPENSSL-ANCHOR-DIR:/usr/secure/client
  pam = {
    debug = false
    ticket_lifetime = 36000
    renew_lifetime = 36000
    forwardable = true
    krb4_convert = false

12. Edit kdc config file  /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
  acl_file = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
  dict_file = /usr/share/dict/words
  admin_keytab = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab

   master_key_type = des-cbc-crc
   supported_enctypes = arcfour-hmac:normal arcfour-hmac:norealm  
arcfour-hmac:onlyrealm des3-hmac-sha1:normal des-hmac-sha1
:normal des-cbc-md5:normal des-cbc-crc:normal des-cbc-crc:v4  

12. Configure ACL mapping

(QUESTION: What is this file and what is the format? Is this realms or  

     # mkdir /var/heimdal
     create file: /var/heimdal/pki-mapping
esylvain@xgige.cedarpointcom.com:/C=US/O=Cedar Point
esylvain@CEDARPOINTCOM.COM:/C=US/O=Cedar Point

13. Initalize

     # /usr/sbin/kadmin -l
       kadmin> init CEDARPOINTCOM.COM
       Realm max ticket life [unlimited]: <Enter>
       Realm max renewable ticket life [unlimited]: <Enter>
       kadmin> add xgige.cedarpointcom.com
       Max ticket life [unlimited]: <Enter>
       Max renewable life [unlimited]: <Enter>
       Attributes []: <Enter>
       Password: <password>
       Verifying password - Password: <password>

14. Add principals
      # /usr/sbin/kadmin -l
      kadmin> add --random-key host/xgige.cedarpointcom.com
      Max ticket life [1 day]:
      Max renewable life [1 week]:
      Principal expiration time [never]:
      Password expiration time [never]:
      Attributes []:
      kadmin> ext host/xgige.cedarpointcom.com
      kadmin> add --random-key esylvain
      Max ticket life [1 day]: <Enter>
      Max renewable life [1 week]: <Enter>
      Principal expiration time [never]: <Enter>
      Password expiration time [never]: <Enter>
      Attributes []: <Enter>
      kadmin> ext esylvain

# ktutil list
Version  Type             Principal
      1   des-cbc-md5      host/xgige.cedarpointcom.com@CEDARPOINTCOM.COM
      1   des-cbc-md4      host/xgige.cedarpointcom.com@CEDARPOINTCOM.COM
      1   des-cbc-crc      host/xgige.cedarpointcom.com@CEDARPOINTCOM.COM
      0   des-cbc-md5      esylvain@CEDARPOINTCOM.COM
      0   des-cbc-md4      esylvain@CEDARPOINTCOM.COM
      0   des-cbc-crc      esylvain@CEDARPOINTCOM.COM

15. Start kdc
     # /usr/libexec/kdc
     Enter your private key passphrase: <password>

16. Look at kdc output log
     # tail -f /var/log/krb5kdc.log
     listening on ...
17. Run kinit as user (i.e. Not root)
     /usr/bin/kinit -C \
     Enter your private key passphrase: <password>

(QUESTION:Why do I get the following:
           kinit: krb5_get_init_creds: No usable pa data type)

Thanks in advance for any help, thoughts or comments...

Eric Sylvain