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Management of heimdal kerberos with ldap

I'm trying to make a external php script to add, remove and change password of kerberos 
Principals stored in a openLdap server.

I try to create a valid SHA1 key to use with kerberos, for example, from the keytab, i have:
# ktutil --verbose list --keys
2  des3-cbc-sha1  alex@OFMIN.COM                 2005-06-23 

But no combination of password (is "123456"), realm and name give me the same key.

I try some tools like sha1sum and mhash, but i don't have luck in it.

Alejandro Escanero Blanco
Administrador Sistemas
Centro Europeo De Congresos
Tel. +34 952058050
e-mail: alejandro.escanero@chlgrupo.com

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