Module directory

gen_server that caches connection to LDAP-server and do all the querying.

Introduced in: 15 Nov 2002 by Magnus Ahltorp <>

Behaviours: gen_server.

Authors: Magnus Ahltorp (


gen_server that caches connection to LDAP-server and do all the querying.

Data Types


ldaphandle() = #ldaphandle{}

no description


state() = #state{}

no description

Function Index

get_value/2 Find the Attribute we are looking for in the result list EAttributes.
ldapsearch/4 Query LDAP.
ldapsearch_simple/4 Query LDAP for a single Attribute and return a single result.
lookup_mail2cn/1 Find the cn (common name) of a user that has Mail as mail-attribute in LDAP.
lookup_mail2tel/1 Find the telephoneNumber of a user that has Mail as mail- attribute in LDAP.
lookup_mail2uid/1 Find the uid of a user that has Mail as mail-attribute in LDAP.
lookup_tel2name/1 Find the displayName of a user that has Number as telephoneNumber in LDAP.
start_link/0 Starts the server.

Function Details


get_value(Ldapres::LDAPres, Attribute) -> Value

Find the Attribute we are looking for in the result list EAttributes. Returns the value of the first found matching attribute. Does not indicate in any way if there were multiple matches.


ldapsearch(Server, Type, In, Attributes) -> Result | none | error

Query LDAP. Return a list of our result tuples.


ldapsearch_simple(Server, Type, In, Attribute) -> Value | none | error

Query LDAP for a single Attribute and return a single result.


lookup_mail2cn(Mail) -> Value | none | error

Find the cn (common name) of a user that has Mail as mail-attribute in LDAP.


lookup_mail2tel(Mail) -> Value | none | error

Find the telephoneNumber of a user that has Mail as mail- attribute in LDAP.


lookup_mail2uid(Mail) -> Value | none | error

Find the uid of a user that has Mail as mail-attribute in LDAP.


lookup_tel2name(Number) -> Value | none | error

Find the displayName of a user that has Number as telephoneNumber in LDAP.


start_link() -> term()

Starts the server


start_link() -> term()

Generated by EDoc, Oct 17 2007, 16:48:23.