Module notifylist

ETS table based list of running processes that want to be notified when a presentitys state _might_ have changed.

Introduced in: 8 May 2006 by <>

Authors: Fredrik Thulin (


ETS table based list of running processes that want to be notified when a presentitys state _might_ have changed.

Function Index

add/3 Adds an entry to the notification list.
delete/3 Deletes an entry from the notification list.
get_all_pids/0 Get a list of every pid subscribed to any resource.
lookup/2 Get a list of everyone interested in changes to Presentity matching PackageFilter.

Function Details


add(Presentity, PackageS, Pid) -> ok

Adds an entry to the notification list. Add Pid as a watcher to changes for Presentity in the context of PackageS.


delete(Presentity, PackageS, Pid) -> ok

Deletes an entry from the notification list. Declare Pid not any longer interested in changes to Presentity in the context of PackageS.


get_all_pids() -> [pid()]

Get a list of every pid subscribed to any resource. The list MAY contain duplicates.


lookup(Presentity, PackageFilter) -> [pid()]

Get a list of everyone interested in changes to Presentity matching PackageFilter.

Generated by EDoc, Oct 17 2007, 16:48:12.