Module hex

Function Index

from/1 Convert hex string into an integer.
to/1 Convert a binary (for example the result of erlang:md5/1) to a hex string.
to/2 Convert Number to a hex string.
to_hex_string/1 convert Int into string() in hex encoding.
to_int/1Equivalent to from(String).

Function Details


from(String) -> integer()

Convert hex string into an integer.


to(Binary) -> string()

Convert a binary (for example the result of erlang:md5/1) to a hex string.


to(Number, N) -> string()

Convert Number to a hex string.


to_hex_string(Int) -> string()

returns: containing $0-$F, upper case is used for $A-$F

convert Int into string() in hex encoding


to_int(String) -> integer()

Equivalent to from(String).

Generated by EDoc, Oct 17 2007, 16:48:25.