Module ssl_util

Utility functions for SSL socket validation/certificate information parsing.

Introduced in: 30 Sep 2005 by Fredrik Thulin <>

Authors: Fredrik Thulin (


Utility functions for SSL socket validation/certificate information parsing.

Function Index

decode_ssl_rdnseq/1 Turn a rdnSequence into a list of {Key, Value} where Key is either the oid (integer() or tuple()) or, if ssl_pkix_oid could turn it into an atom, then an atom (like countryName).
get_ssl_peer_info/4 Try to get the SSL peer certificate using a socket.
is_acceptable_ssl_socket/5 Check if a socket is 'acceptable'.

Function Details


decode_ssl_rdnseq(Other::RdnSequence) -> {ok, Tuples} | {error, Reason}

Turn a rdnSequence into a list of {Key, Value} where Key is either the oid (integer() or tuple()) or, if ssl_pkix_oid could turn it into an atom, then an atom (like countryName).


get_ssl_peer_info(Socket, Proto, IP, Port) -> {ok, Subject, AltNames} | {error, Reason}

Try to get the SSL peer certificate using a socket. If that fails, we check if it was a client that connected to us and if clients are required to present a certificate. Returns either {ok, Subject}, or true/false saying if the socket should be considered valid or not.


is_acceptable_ssl_socket(Socket, Dir, Proto, Remote, Names) -> true | false

Check if a socket is 'acceptable'. For SSL, this means verify that the subjectAltName/CN is included in Names.

Generated by EDoc, Oct 17 2007, 16:48:21.