Commercial email, archive and fees.


Well, frankly because I've had one too many. Now, if I provide an archiving service to the sender, that is something I can ask him/her/it to pay for, right? How, then, do I know that they have accepted my terms? All my signatures I use contain information about the size of the fee and this URL. If they have got my email address that way, it's quite obvious, right? If they have gotten it from my web pages, there's a link to this page... If they have it from somewhere else, well... Too bad...


Now, what do I class as commercial email? Here is a handy list:

Now, there are people (even friends of mine) that have commercial info in their .sig. Even I have so, since I advertise my commercial email archiving service in my .sig(s). I don't count the contents of a normal (ie less than five lines, separated from the email with "-- " and a line break) signature in deciding what is a commercial email.

Also, any commercial info I explicitly asked for is extempt from the archival policy. Doing otherwise would be cheesy...


It is quite simple. You send me a commercial email, to signify that you agree to the terms stated below. This means that you have agreed to the terms and an email stating that archiving has commenced, with a reference to this page, will be sent to you. It is expected that you send me a billing address, so I can send you a paper invoice, as electronic invoices aren't enough for the accountants.

  1. The cost for a first archiving is $400, paid to the owner (Richard Levitte, Sweden), hereafter called the Owner, by the customer, hereafter called the Customer.
  2. The archiving is on a half-year basis, minimum time one month. The archive cleaning days are June 30th and December 31st. This means that any mail archived in June or December is subject to two archival fees.
  3. The sending of a commercial email to the Owner constitues an acceptance of these terms.
  4. The archiving can be cancelled by the Customer, by explicitly asking the Owner to do so. If this is done in a polite (by the Owner's subjective judgement) manner, before the archive acceptancy email is sent, the archiving is deemed not to have commenced.
  5. Any Customer abusing the archive cancellation in (4) is subject to an obstruction fee of $400, as it is deemed that they have generated the same workload as archiving their original mail would have caused. By abusing is meant repeating three (3) times, or more.
  6. By before in (4) is meant that it should have arrived to the Owner before he starts composing the archive acceptancy mail.
  7. A cancel must be the Owner at hand at least thirty (30) days before expiration day. If it is not, the archival period is extended for yet another period. No remembrance of any sort will be sent to the Customer, as the Owner thinks that it is the responsibility of the Customer to know where, and why, he/she/it is due a fee of $400 of a six-month basis.
  8. The Owner takes no responsibility for the continued existence of an archived email, as it might disapperar in a disk crash or so.
  9. The Customer has no right whatsoever to gain access to, or receive copies of any mail the Customer has archived in the archive.

The money raised this way will be forwarded to the Stacken computer club.

This page was snarfed from Ingvar Mattsson, with his permission, and adjusted for local needs by Richard Levitte.