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Archive-Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 16:59:28 +0100
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 16:59:17 +0100
Message-ID: <>
From: Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker <>
To:,, VMS-WEB-daemon@KJSL.COM
Subject: ANN: SSLeay 0.8.1a-RL frozen, SSLeay 0.9.0a-RL released
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=ISO-8859-1
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Final revision of SSLeay 0.8.1a for VMS released.
First revision of SSLeay 0.9.0a for VMS released.


I've finally come to the point where I don't think I want or need to do
more work with SSLeay 0.8.1a.  It is time to move on, so I decided to
make a final revision (19990219) that includes fixes to all bugs that
have been reported, insertion of fixes that have been sent to me, and
fixes for bugs I found myself.  No more work will be done with this
version of SSLeay.

I've spent the last few days with SSLeay 0.9.0a, inserting all the
changes from 0.8.1a, and doing all further changes that were needed to
make it compile properly.  It is time to make a release (19990220).

Two things are worth keeping in mind:

  - If you want to make the libraries workable on all VMS versions from
    6.0 and up (and possibly 5.5 as well, with the right compatibility
    library), you need to read [.HAKMEM]LEVITTE.NOTES.
  - If you're upgrading from SSLeay 0.8.1a or lower, *relinking is not
    enough*!  If you have a program that uses RSA, that you want to link
    with SSLeay 0.9.0a, and you don't use RSAref, you *have to recompile*!
    the reason for this is the change of values of three C macros in

The kits can be found in, and have the follownig

  - SSLEAY-0_8_1A-RL-19990219.TAR-GZ (SSLeay 0.8.1a-RL)
  - SSLEAY-0_9_0A-RL-19990219.TAR-GZ (SSLeay 0.9.0a-RL)

You need GNU zip and VMSTAR to unpack these.

For further reading, please see

Discussions about my port of SSLeay should be held in
Bug reports should go to

Bug reports for SSLeay 0.8.1a-RL will be accepted, but the fixes will be
inserted into SSLeay 0.9.0a-RL.  To get the fixes, you will have to

R Levitte, Levitte Programming;  Spannv. 38, I;  S-168 35  Bromma;  SWEDEN
    Tel: +46-8-26 52 47; Cell: +46-708-26 53 44; Fax: +46-708-26 53 88
  PGP key fingerprint = 35 3E 6C 9E 8C 97 85 24  BD 9F D1 9E 8F 75 23 6B for my public key.

          "price, performance, quality.  Choose any two you like"