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Archive-Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 15:11:09 +0100
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 15:10:35 +0100
Message-ID: <>
From: Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker <>
To:,, VMS-WEB-daemon@KJSL.COM
Subject: About SSLeay...
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I need your advice.

There are two course to choose from with SSLeay:

  - Wait 'til everyone's tested 0.9.0a and then move slowly to 0.9.1b, do
    the same slow cycle there, and then go to OpenSSL 0.9.1c, slow cycle
    again, and finally to OpenSSL 0.9.2 (or whatever it will be then).

  - Go directly to OpenSSL 0.9.1c more or less immediately (at least from
    your point of view.  I will still go through all the versions
    available and get all those generations into my CVS tree, but that's
    just to keep the history straight, and to be able to find out when
    something changed), release it, and let the cycle go round 'til 0.9.2
    is released, at which point 0.9.2 will become the main thing to work

The main reason for this is that OpenSSL 0.9.2 got some proposed freeze
and release times (March 8 and March 15), and I long after getting the
changes I've distributed back into OpenSSL as soon as possible.  One
could say that my fingers are a little trigger happy right now.

Of course, I could maintain several version at the same (CVS is great for
that kind of thing), but there's only so much one person can keep in mind
before it crumbles under his or her hands, and I definitely don't want to
see SSLeay/OpenSSL crumble under mine.

The immediate effect from a rapid-fire upgrade of my source tree would of
course be that you (meaning "whoever that helps me test this") will have
fewer versions to go through.  What I'm afraid of is losing track
somewhere in the middle if it goes just too fast...

Please advice me, what would you do in my place?

R Levitte, Levitte Programming;  Spannv. 38, I;  S-168 35  Bromma;  SWEDEN
    Tel: +46-8-26 52 47; Cell: +46-708-26 53 44; Fax: +46-708-26 53 88
  PGP key fingerprint = 35 3E 6C 9E 8C 97 85 24  BD 9F D1 9E 8F 75 23 6B for my public key.

          "price, performance, quality.  Choose any two you like"