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Archive-Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 21:57:36 +0200
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 15:53:39 -0400
From: "Brian Tillman, x8425" <>
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Display skew

The file below is my company's home page.  With MSIE and Navigator, it displays
fine, with all of the boxes properly positioned in the main browser window.
With Mosaic, the boxes are positioned off the right side of the window and I
have to use the horizontal scrolling bar to view them.  Any work-around?  (I
know, ditch the Java, but I can't.  I don't control the page.)

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Archive-Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 22:46:56 +0200
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 16:13:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: George Cook <>
Subject: Re: Display skew
In-Reply-To: "Your message dated Mon, 02 Aug 1999 15:53:39 -0400" <>
To: "Brian Tillman, x8425" <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0

>The file below is my company's home page.  With MSIE and Navigator, it displays
>fine, with all of the boxes properly positioned in the main browser window.
>With Mosaic, the boxes are positioned off the right side of the window and I
>have to use the horizontal scrolling bar to view them.  Any work-around?  (I
>know, ditch the Java, but I can't.  I don't control the page.)

Without being able to access the images, it looks okay.  Try turning on
delayed image loading to see how that looks.  I believe the following
line is the cause.  How big is this image?  Is there anything aligned
on its left when you use MSIE and Navigator?

<p><img src="images/smiths_ims.jpg" alt="Smiths Industries IMS" align="left" hspace="89"></p>

If the image is too tall, then Mosaic is simply not generating enough
vertical space to prevent the image from causing left alignment.  The
syntax is moronic, if I understand it correctly.  First a floating image
is specified, then enough white space is generated to float pass it so that
nothing gets aligned next to it.  The result being exactly the same as
if a floating image was not requested.

Try editing out the line (<p>&nbsp;</p>) which immediately follows
the one above.  MSIE and Navigator will probably then display it like
Mosaic.  Navigator does for me, but it is using the "bad image" image.

To see what, if anything, can be changed in Mosaic, I will need to know
the extract height of images/smiths_ims.jpg (xv will give it).

Archive-Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 19:52:43 +0200
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 13:52:22 -0400
From: Jerome LAURET <>
Message-ID: <>
Subject: X error destroys mosai window

	Whil trying to view, if one selects whatever 
and click "go", the page starts to appear and then Mosaic freezes. The window 
is destroyed and the following message is displayed :

X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)
  Major Opcode:  72
Caught X Error -- Press RETURN
$ xmosaic/version
VMS Mosaic version 3.4
The executable was built with image Ident 3.4
on 28-JUL-1999 15:46:44.26 for use with UCX (or UCX compatible) TCP/IP
and was generated using Motif 1.2-4 and DEC C.
Support for inline JPEG and PNG images is included.
DEC C V6.0-001 on OpenVMS Alpha V6.2-1H3

	If I use Netscape, I also get the error but the browser does not 
crash. The message ther is

NETSCAPE-V303-JAVA-GOLD: X Error of failed request:  BadDrawable (invalid 
 or Window parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request:  72 (X_PutImage)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  0
  Resource id in failed request:  0x2400adb
  Serial number of failed request:  20943
  Current serial number in output stream:  21055

	(and a bunch of other problems and errors).

	Any idea of what this come from ? Is there a possibilty to recover 
from an Xerror in Mosaic without destroying it ?

            ( o o )

Archive-Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 20:16:52 +0200
Message-ID: <05a601beefee$c09ca9a0$>
From: "Brian Tillman" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosaic window
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 14:13:49 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

>While trying to view, if one selects whatever
>and click "go", the page starts to appear and then Mosaic freezes. The
>is destroyed and the following message is displayed :

Hm...  Things seem to work for me.  I'm using OpenVMS VAX V7.1

VMS Mosaic version 3.4
The executable was built with image Ident 3.4
on  5-AUG-1999 12:38:03.88 for use with UCX (or UCX compatible) TCP/IP
and was generated using Motif 1.2-4 and DEC C.
Support for inline JPEG and PNG images is included.

When I try Navigator V3.03 Gold, it seems to work.  A couple of times it
stalled, but a refresh let it complete.

 Brian Tillman                   Internet: tillman_brian at
 Smiths Industries, Inc.                   tillman at
 3290 Patterson Ave. SE, MS      Addresses modified to prevent
 Grand Rapids, MI 49512-1991     SPAM.  Replace "at" with "@"
        This opinion doesn't represent that of my company

Archive-Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 20:28:21 +0200
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 14:28:13 -0400
From: Jerome LAURET <>
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosaic window

> CC:	
> Subj:	Re: X error destroys mosaic window
> Hm...  Things seem to work for me.  I'm using OpenVMS VAX V7.1

	Interresting. Does 7.1 has a different Decwindows version ? We are 
using DW V1.2-4990106 . Could that be the problem ? 

            ( o o )

Archive-Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 20:39:54 +0200
Message-ID: <05ca01beeff2$08263b80$>
From: "Brian Tillman" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosaic window
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 14:37:20 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

>Interresting. Does 7.1 has a different Decwindows version ? We are 
>using DW V1.2-4990106 . Could that be the problem?

Here's what I have:

$ @sys$update:decw$versions
DECwindows ident is                     DW V1.2-4970903
DECwindows server ident is              DW V7.1-961112
DECwindows transport ident is           DW V7.1-961112
DECwindows xlib ident is                DW V1.2-4970903
DECwindows OSF/Motif Toolkit ident is   DW V1.2-4970903
DECwindows apps ident is                DW V1.2-4960312
DECwindows programming ident is         DW V1.2-4970903

 Brian Tillman                   Internet: tillman_brian at
 Smiths Industries, Inc.                   tillman at
 3290 Patterson Ave. SE, MS      Addresses modified to prevent
 Grand Rapids, MI 49512-1991     SPAM.  Replace "at" with "@"
        This opinion doesn't represent that of my company

Archive-Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 20:53:57 +0200
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 14:55:26 -0500
From: "Edward J. Groth" <groth@PUPGG.PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: <009DD35B.7E734BB4.30@PUPGG.PRINCETON.EDU>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosaic window

I have found that a "bad drawable" error is almost always a sign
of not enough memory. Try increasing your page file quota (and
other parameters if necessary) and see if that helps.

(You may say what does "bad drawable" have to do with not enough
memory? Remember X windows comes from unix where you're lucky to
get an error message at all, let alone one that actually helps
you diagnose the error. Speculation: somewhere in X windows
memory is allocated - but fails, returning a null pointer. The
routine doesn't bother to check - they almost never do in unix.
Later on, there is actually a check and at this point all that's
known is that you can't draw into a null pointer!)

					- Ed


| Edward J. Groth            | Phone: 609-258-4361   Fax: 609-258-6853 |
| Physics Dept., Jadwin Hall | URL: |
| Princeton University       | SPAN/HEPNET:  PUPGG::GROTH=44117::GROTH |
| Princeton, NJ 08544        | Internet: |
Archive-Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 22:41:10 +0200
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 16:02:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: George Cook <>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosaic window
In-Reply-To: "Your message dated Thu, 26 Aug 1999 14:55:26 -0500" <009DD35B.7E734BB4.30@PUPGG.PRINCETON.EDU>
To: "Edward J. Groth" <groth@PUPGG.PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0

>I have found that a "bad drawable" error is almost always a sign
>of not enough memory. Try increasing your page file quota (and
>other parameters if necessary) and see if that helps.

Yes, this is the most likely explanation.  Note that if the X
client and server are not the same machine, the server (where
the display is) is the place to start increasing memory.

>(You may say what does "bad drawable" have to do with not enough
>memory? Remember X windows comes from unix where you're lucky to
>get an error message at all, let alone one that actually helps
>you diagnose the error. Speculation: somewhere in X windows
>memory is allocated - but fails, returning a null pointer. The
>routine doesn't bother to check - they almost never do in unix.
>Later on, there is actually a check and at this point all that's
>known is that you can't draw into a null pointer!)

Like Netscape, I would like Mosaic to deal with the error without
having to exit.  Unfortunately, I have never been able to reproduce
the error so that I can determine where to add the proper error
trapping.  The "bad drawable" error is actually returned from
the server which is processing requests asynchronously in regard
to the Mosaic code.  Without a lot of coding, the only way I know
to find the failing X routine call is to force the X requests to
be done synchronously while running with the debugger.

Archive-Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 23:08:49 +0200
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 17:08:29 -0400
From: Jerome LAURET <>
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosaic window

	With a paging file quota of 418880 (from show process/quota) I am not 
sure that the memory is an issue. I could though get the page by delaying 
image loading and loading them one by one (I had to go back and forward to 
have it all fine). Not really the ideal situation.

	What I was more interrested in is if someone knows how Netscape does 
i.e. it seems to trap the error, still display something and most important of 
all, not deleting it's window-display . An X11 expert can come up with some 
alternative for that problem (which may happen in other occasion) and maybe 
provide a patch ...

                  Jerome LAURET S.U.N.Y. @ Stony Brook
       ,,,,,      Dept. of Chemistry
      ( o o )     Stony Brook NY 11794-3400
  URL   :

Archive-Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 23:25:53 +0200
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 17:03:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: George Cook <>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosai window
In-Reply-To: "Your message dated Thu, 26 Aug 1999 13:52:22 -0400" <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0

>	Whil trying to view, if one selects whatever
>and click "go", the page starts to appear and then Mosaic freezes. The window
>is destroyed and the following message is displayed :

>X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)
>  Major Opcode:  72
>Caught X Error -- Press RETURN
Does it draw the page background image before failing?  I did find
one place in Mosaic where it doesn't check for a failure of the
XPutImage routine (when it processes the background image).  If you
turn off Body Images (see Options menu), does the failure still

If not, the only reasonably quick way to find the failure is to
build Mosaic DEBUG, run it with /SYNCHRONOUS, then look at the
source location in the first Mosaic routine in the call stack
prior to the routine mo_error_handler.

Archive-Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 23:38:42 +0200
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 17:29:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: George Cook <>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosaic window
In-Reply-To: "Your message dated Thu, 26 Aug 1999 17:08:29 -0400" <>
To: Jerome LAURET <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0

>	With a paging file quota of 418880 (from show process/quota) I am not
>sure that the memory is an issue. I could though get the page by delaying
>image loading and loading them one by one (I had to go back and forward to
>have it all fine). Not really the ideal situation.

The server's memory is the area you need to look at.  Stuff like the
PQL sysgen parameters.  Whatever DECwindows uses to create/display
windows that your process(es) (i.e. clients) request.

>	What I was more interrested in is if someone knows how Netscape does
>i.e. it seems to trap the error, still display something and most important of
>all, not deleting it's window-display . An X11 expert can come up with some
>alternative for that problem (which may happen in other occasion) and maybe
>provide a patch ...

The issue is that Mosaic (which is in many ways the type of poorly
written code one expects to find in a Unix environment) does not
detect/properly handle the after effects of the failure.  Until I
know what code in Mosaic needs cleaned up, the only option is to
treat the failure as fatal.

>                  Jerome LAURET S.U.N.Y. @ Stony Brook
>       ,,,,,      Dept. of Chemistry
>      ( o o )     Stony Brook NY 11794-3400
>  ---m---U---m---------------------------------------------
>  E-mail:
>  URL   :

Archive-Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 00:00:04 +0200
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 17:59:56 -0400
From: Jerome LAURET <>
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosai window

> CC:	
> Subj:	Re: X error destroys mosai window
> Does it draw the page background image before failing?  I did find

	I am unsure of that but I do see the page with that ugly
black and redbrick color (they should never have changed that web-site
much nicer before) then Mosaic hangs and none of the windows are
controllable. The mosaic cursor remains for up to a minute before 
it's window goes away.

> one place in Mosaic where it doesn't check for a failure of the
> XPutImage routine (when it processes the background image).  If you
> turn off Body Images (see Options menu), does the failure still
> occur?

	(should have read your Email further). YES ! Disabling
image background actually helps a lot :)  It does not crash ...
and I get the page.

            ( o o )

Archive-Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 00:06:54 +0200
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 18:05:09 -0400 (EDT)
From: George Cook <>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosai window
In-Reply-To: "Your message dated Thu, 26 Aug 1999 17:59:56 -0400" <>
To: Jerome LAURET <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0

>	(should have read your Email further). YES ! Disabling
>image background actually helps a lot :)  It does not crash ...
>and I get the page.

There is a new HTML.C in the anonymous ftp area on
which may correct the crash.

Archive-Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 16:00:48 +0200
Message-ID: <06fc01bef094$3004ce80$>
From: "Brian Tillman" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosaic window
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 09:58:06 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I don't see an HTML.C file on the FTP area.  I see HTMLTABLE.C,

 Brian Tillman                   Internet: tillman_brian at
 Smiths Industries, Inc.                   tillman at
 3290 Patterson Ave. SE, MS      Addresses modified to prevent
 Grand Rapids, MI 49512-1991     SPAM.  Replace "at" with "@"
        This opinion doesn't represent that of my company

Archive-Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 16:29:54 +0200
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 10:28:54 -0400
From: Jerome LAURET <>
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosaic window

> CC:	
> Subj:	Re: X error destroys mosaic window
> I don't see an HTML.C file on the FTP area.  I see HTMLTABLE.C,

	Was there yesterday but the patch did not work. Maybe George is 
working on it a bit more.

            ( o o )

Archive-Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 16:44:17 +0200
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 9:44:07 -0500
From: David Potterveld (630-252-6589) <POTTERVELD@ANLMEP.PHY.ANL.GOV>
Message-ID: <990827094407.2ec001c6@ANLMEP.PHY.ANL.GOV>
Subject: html formatting bug?

Hi George,

When I use Mosaic 3.4 to load the page "" I see a
big yellow button next to the text entry field. There does not appear to be
any text on the button, but netscape displays it as a yellow button with the
black text "Search". Is this a bug with Mosaic, or is it doing the right
thing with badly written html?

David Potterveld  (

Archive-Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 18:58:08 +0200
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 11:57:34 -0500
From: David Potterveld (630-252-6589) <POTTERVELD@ANLMEP.PHY.ANL.GOV>
Message-ID: <990827115734.2ec001c6@ANLMEP.PHY.ANL.GOV>
Subject: Re: html formatting bug?

Actually, the html I get when I save the document loaded by mosaic looks
like ordinary html, at least for the part relevent to my question.

Here is the offending html:

<table border=0>
<font color="yellow" face="helvetica,arial">
metasearch <font size="+2">the Internet</font> for<br>
<table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0>
<tr><td><font face="helvetica,arial"><input type=text size=22 name=q value=''>&nbsp;</font></td>
    <td bgcolor="yellow"><font size="+1"><input type=submit value="Search"></font></td>

If I change that last line to:

    <td bgcolor="yellow"><font size="+1" color="blue"><input type=submit value="Search"></font></td>

then the text on the button appears. So I guess mosaic sticks with the yellow
font color defined in the preceding lines, and netscape behaves differently.

Does the html standard have anything to say about this?

David Potterveld
Archive-Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 01:49:10 +0200
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 19:21:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: George Cook <>
Subject: Re: html formatting bug?
In-Reply-To: "Your message dated Fri, 27 Aug 1999 09:44:07 -0500" <990827094407.2ec001c6@ANLMEP.PHY.ANL.GOV>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0

>When I use Mosaic 3.4 to load the page "" I see a
>big yellow button next to the text entry field. There does not appear to be
>any text on the button, but netscape displays it as a yellow button with the
>black text "Search". Is this a bug with Mosaic, or is it doing the right
>thing with badly written html?

IMHO, Mosaic is correct.  Both the font and background colors are the same,
so the text is invisible.  However VMS NetScape only uses the specified
background color while ignoring the font color.  Recent versions of
PC Netscape and IE use neither the font nor background color in buttons
(I don't know if they ever did), except that IE uses the background for
toggle buttons.  I can only speculate as to why NetScape and IE do not
make the text at the toggle buttons yellow (I assume they simply ignore
the specified font color on any text immediately after toggle buttons).

I have placed in the anonymous ftp area new HTMLWIDGETS.C and HTMLFORM.C
files which change Mosaic's behavior to match IE's except in the case of
text after toggle buttons.

>Does the html standard have anything to say about this?

No.  None of the various html standards (3.2, etc.) address issues
like this.  Unfortunately, the standards are becoming more useless
over time as features which they at least vaguely define the behavior
of are deprecated in favor of features like style sheets which have
basically undefined behavior.  In other words, whatever the PC versions
of Netscape and IE do is the correct behavior.  Divining and duplicating
this behavior is mostly a matter of trial and error.

Archive-Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 08:43:12 +0200
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 02:33:30 -0400 (EDT)
From: George Cook <>
Subject: Re: X error destroys mosaic window
In-Reply-To: "Your message dated Fri, 27 Aug 1999 09:58:06 -0400" <06fc01bef094$3004ce80$>
CC: Brian Tillman <>,
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
References: <>

>I don't see an HTML.C file on the FTP area.  I see HTMLTABLE.C,

I removed it.  It did have a bug fix, but I suspect no one has ever
experienced that particular bug.  I did not want to clutter up the
ftp directory any more than necessary.

It is possible to make Mosaic ignore the error (a crash of another
type will probably occur soon after).  If anyone wants to try it,
add the following line:

      (event->error_code == BadDrawable && event->request_code == 72) ||

immediately above the line:

      (event->error_code == BadWindow && event->request_code == 3) ||

in GUI.C.  If this is done with a DEBUG build, then the eventual
crash location may indicate where Mosaic is failing to detect the
