1) Fill the names of the teams below. 2) Fill the team number of total winner only if this was the second match. 3) Send this file to with subject FC2002-RESULT 4) Copy this file in a safe place. Do not delete it after sending. Team 2 name: Roast FrogBeef Team 4 name: Suihell Devils Match: 13 Total winner (team number): DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING AFTER THIS LINE Round 0 GO [Totor] Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Totor was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. can't watch the match... gonna appear on the match file =( [Camille] Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Twiglet. so I leave then [Camille] Twiglet was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Totor was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Samaseon. set allowview on camille [Samaseon] password is totor [Totor] Kamikaze smashed against a treasure. < Team 2 has won the game by staying alive! > Twiglet is the Deadliest Player with a kill ratio of 4/2. 2 27 4/2 Twiglet 2 17 3/2 Totor 4 0 0/0 Camille 4 -6 3/4 Samaseon 4 -20 1/4 Kamikaze Team 2 44 Team 4 -26 < Round 1 out of 12 completed. > Round 1 do it [Totor] Totor was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Good luck!!! bb [Camille] Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. How strange! Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Totor was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Totor was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. deqad [Kamikaze] Totor was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. < Team 2 has won the game by staying alive! > Twiglet is the Deadliest Player with a kill ratio of 3/1. 2 56 3/1 Twiglet 2 16 4/4 Totor 4 -9 3/4 Samaseon 4 -30 2/4 Kamikaze Team 2 72 Team 4 -39 < Round 2 out of 12 completed. > Round 2 Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. How strange! Twiglet was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Totor was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Totor was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Totor was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Totor was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. < Team 2 has won the game by staying alive! > Twiglet is the Deadliest Player with a kill ratio of 6/2. 2 105 6/2 Twiglet 4 8 5/4 Samaseon 2 -15 1/4 Totor 4 -50 1/4 Kamikaze Team 2 90 Team 4 -42 < Round 3 out of 12 completed. > Round 3 damnit [Totor] Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Totor was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Totor was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Totor was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon smashed against a treasure. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. < Team 2 has won the game by staying alive! > Totor is the Deadliest Player with a kill ratio of 5/3. 2 118 2/1 Twiglet 2 18 5/3 Totor 4 4 3/4 Samaseon 4 -73 1/4 Kamikaze Team 2 136 Team 4 -69 < Round 4 out of 12 completed. > Round 4 Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. How strange! Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. < The ball was loose for 241 frames > < Totor's (2) team has destroyed team 4 treasure > < Team 2 has won the game by destroying 1 treasures! > Twiglet is the Deadliest Player with a kill ratio of 3/1. 2 161 3/1 Twiglet 2 63 1/0 Totor 4 -33 1/3 Samaseon 4 -111 0/2 Kamikaze Team 2 224 Team 4 -144 < Round 5 out of 12 completed. > Round 5 goood [Twiglet] Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Totor was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Samaseon. < The ball was loose for 123 frames > < Totor's (2) team has destroyed team 4 treasure > < Team 2 has won the game by destroying 1 treasures! > Totor is the Deadliest Player with a kill ratio of 3/1. 2 161 1/2 Twiglet 2 113 3/1 Totor 4 -55 2/3 Samaseon 4 -126 1/1 Kamikaze Team 2 274 Team 4 -181 < Round 6 out of 12 completed. > Round 6 Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Twiglet. How strange! Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Totor was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Samaseon. hell [Twiglet] Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Totor was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Totor was killed by a shot from Samaseon. < The ball was loose for 105 frames > < Twiglet's (2) team has destroyed team 4 treasure > < Team 2 has won the game by destroying 1 treasures! > Totor is the Deadliest Player with a kill ratio of 5/3. 2 176 2/3 Twiglet 2 142 5/3 Totor 4 -64 3/3 Samaseon 4 -153 2/4 Kamikaze Team 2 318 Team 4 -217 < Round 7 out of 12 completed. > Round 7 doh [Samaseon] Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Totor was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. < Team 2 has won the game by staying alive! > Totor is the Deadliest Player with a kill ratio of 8/1. 2 220 8/1 Totor 2 176 0/0 Twiglet 4 -82 1/4 Samaseon 4 -181 0/4 Kamikaze Team 2 396 Team 4 -263 < Round 8 out of 12 completed. > Round 8 Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. How strange! Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Kamikaze smashed head first against a wall. < Team 2 has won the game by staying alive! > Totor is the Deadliest Player with a kill ratio of 5/0. 2 294 5/0 Totor 2 174 1/1 Twiglet 4 -97 1/4 Samaseon 4 -202 0/4 Kamikaze Team 2 468 Team 4 -299 < Round 9 out of 12 completed. > Round 9 Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Samaseon. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Totor was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. < Team 2 has won the game by staying alive! > Totor is the Deadliest Player with a kill ratio of 5/1. 2 328 5/1 Totor 2 194 3/1 Twiglet 4 -112 1/4 Samaseon 4 -212 1/4 Kamikaze Team 2 522 Team 4 -324 < Round 10 out of 12 completed. > Round 10 Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Twiglet was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Totor was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. noooo! [Samaseon] Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Twiglet. < The ball was loose for 99 frames > < Totor's (2) team has destroyed team 4 treasure > < Team 2 has won the game by destroying 1 treasures! > Twiglet is the Deadliest Player with a kill ratio of 4/1. 2 360 3/1 Totor 2 237 4/1 Twiglet 4 -153 0/4 Samaseon 4 -220 2/3 Kamikaze Team 2 597 Team 4 -373 < Round 11 out of 12 completed. > Round 11 Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Totor. Totor was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. Totor was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. Samaseon was killed by a shot from Twiglet. nooo [Samaseon] Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Twiglet. Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Totor. go kami !!!!! [Samaseon] Kamikaze was killed by a shot from Kamikaze. How strange! < Team 2 has won the game by staying alive! > Twiglet is the Deadliest Player with a kill ratio of 3/0. 2 365 4/2 Totor 2 281 3/0 Twiglet 4 -179 0/4 Samaseon 4 -215 2/4 Kamikaze Team 2 646 Team 4 -394 < Round 12 out of 12 completed. > Game over...