"An Offworlder's Perspective" FAQ

Why are there so many spelling mistakes in the text?
If you are reading the original version, it is because I wrote it so fast that I didn't have time to read what I was writing. If you are reading the improved version, it's because the spell check doesn't find all errors, and I still haven't read it through myself.

There are holes and inconsistencies in the story. Why?
Try writing a consistent story in 30 days while working full time. You'll see why...

Will you rewrite the book and do something with it?
Yes, I plan to shape it up and publish parts of it on Elfwood. I'll probably publish the complete revised book here on my homepage, too. Just don't hold your breath, it'll take a while.

Isn't Stork/Laki/Kvist/etc a weird name? / Doesn't Stork/Laki/Kvist mean something in English/Finnish/Swedish?
Yes / yes. I wrote at a rate of between 1000 and 1500 words per hour. That's about three and a half seconds per word. That's a short time to come up with a name...

Where in the world does Hannah live?
That is intentionally left unspecified. She doesn't live in Finland, though.

Is that "Finnish" sentence that Stork says really Finnish?
Yes, and it does actually mean what he says it means.

Which of the characters is your alter ego?
None of them, although there are bits of me in all of them.

Oh, I thought Hannah was "you". Isn't she?
No. Hannah likes beer and coffee. I don't...

What about the political opinions? Are they yours?
There are several different opinions presented on many of the problems that are discussed in the book, so all of the opinions can't of course be mine. I think you can guess what my opinions are... If you can't, feel free to ask. I like discussing these things :-)

There are several references to other authors' work in the book.
That's not really a question... That's a statement! It is also a true statement. Many references are to Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. I hope he doesn't mind.

Did Hannah and Stork fall in love?
I don't know. Not yet, at least. They are just very good friends.

Why did you do this? Writing a book in 30 days sounds just crazy!
I did this because:
- I am a bit crazy,
- I wanted to see if I could do it,
- I wanted to see how much you really can fit into a book,
- I've always wanted to write a book.

What did you get out of this?
I got to see how much really fits in a book, and that I actually could do this. I also learned to type faster. And I feel really cool now! Although that last bit will probably pass in about a week or so.

Did someone really ask all these questions?
No. I made them all up. I'm an author now, so I can make things up.

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