Noora's NaNoWriMo 2003 FAQ

(Updated 2003-12-02)

Why did you join NaNoWriMo for the second time? Didn't you say that one time was enough?
Either I am crazier than I thought, or writing is more fun than I though. I might also just have forgotten how much work it involved.

What did you write about this year?
I brushed up a story that has been in my head for years and that I haven't managed to start writing on yet. It's a story about relations, and it is set in a medieval-style world. It doesn't include magic of any kind, so I'm not calling it fantasy.

Did you write in English or Swedish?
This time I wrote in Swedish.

Why did you stop writing after ten days?
Some of the things I wrote about in the book got me thinking. Also, I saw a TV show about some philosophy. I started thinking about the reasons for why I do things. Then I started thinking about why I joined NaNoWriMo. I did it to have fun, but where was the fun when I couldn't sleep at night from all the stress? For a couple of days I tried doing only things that wasn't meant to impress on someone (not even myself). That was great, but only for a couple of days. After that I spent two weekends and the week in between doing things I really wanted to do and had put off for too long. That was wonderful. Suddenly I had so much extra time!

Why did you start writing again? Wasn't it a hopeless task, writing about 30000 words in two weeks?
I woke up one morning and felt that I wanted to finish the book, or at least continue writing on it. At least I could make an attempt. In a couple of days I had reached 25000 and I realised that I might very well still make it. I don't regret the pause, and I don't regret starting to write again. This is what I want to do.

Is the novel finished now?
No, I only got about half way on the story. I must start over and rewrite everything before I continue, however.

Was it as fun this year as last year?
Yes, but in a different way. Having done it doesn't give the same kick, but I'm much more inspired right now than I was a year ago. I really want to start rewriting, or continue writing some other stories I've started on previously. Last December, I just wanted to sleep.

Will you do this again next year?
I don't know. If I have time and a better draft for a story, I might.

Should I join NaNoWriMo?
If you go to, read what it is about and think "this I must do!" then you should definitely join. If you're indifferent, you can join and do a fair attempt. If you hate writing and think that this is the most silly idea you've ever seen, you can join anyway and make an attempt, so that you can prove that it truly is a silly idea.

Did somebody actually ask all these questions?
Some of them, but not all. I'm a writer and can make things up, so there!

Didn't you have that same question in last year's FAQ? Isn't that a bit lame?
So what? Who says I'm a good writer?