Noora's NaNoWriMo 2004 FAQ

(Updated 2004-12-02)

Was it easier this time?
In a way, yes. I wrote much faster.

Did you do something differently this year?
Several things. I put everything in a livejournal while I wrote. Thus I didn't have to keep track of dozens of files on four different computers, like last year. Also I worked differently this time. When I grew tired of writing and felt like playing The Sims 2, I played The Sims 2. That way I didn't become as stressed as last year and didn't crash half way through.

What is your novel about?
It's about Lisa, who is a student at Stockholm University. She is writing down a story that she had made up when she was younger but never got around to writing. The story is also in the book, of course, and it's a story I made up over ten years ago but never got around to writing down...

So is Lisa actually you?
No, not really. I use her voice sometimes to state things I want to say, but as often I use her friend Anna to speak some sense into her when she's off track. As usual, most characters borrow some aspects of me.

So, what is Lisa's story about?
It's a romantic story in a classic "Jane Austen" setting, where everyone is nobility and lives in a castle or large estate. There's a hint of fantasy too, but just a hint. While I/Lisa wrote it, I/Lisa realized that it's actually quite bad. I had to make many improvements to it while writing, and have dozens of more improvements I'd like to make.

What's this about the vampire hamsters and chinese chili torture? (for those who have read the novel on the LiveJournal)?
They're something called plot ninjas. Also, they were challenges from other wrimos.

And what about the hippos? Were they a challenge too?
Hippos are about as cool as ninjas. They flip out all the time, too! (Go to Read it. Then, if you haven't found the hippos yet, click on "Other" in the top menu and then on "Alternate Ending" among the Secrets down the page.)

Will you do this again next year?
Yes, I will. Aaah! Did I just write that? It must be my subconciousness speaking... All right, if I have any possibility at all, I will keep doing this every November until my fingers fall off, and after that I'll be dictating the words to my computer until my voice fails.

Did somebody actually ask all these questions?
Some of them, but not all. By now, you should have realised that I'm great at making things up.

Will the question above keep appearing in each FAQ you write?
Of course! Just because I'm great at making things up, I don't have to make up new things all the time.

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