Noora's NaNoWriMo 2007 FAQ

(Updated 2008-09-01)

Why was this FAQ written in 2008?
Because I forgot all about it in 2007.

Can I read your novel?
No. It sucks anyway.

What is the novel about?
It's about the Legend of Tesamella. Well, it starts out being about it, but a few chapters into the novel I grew bored of the multiple voices and simply wrote down one of the versions.

What was the most difficult this year?
Finding my inspiration. I was very ill earlier in the year, and my inspiration tends to run and hide when I go through "interesting times". I had to coerce it to come back for NaNoWriMo, with mixed results.

Will you do it again next year?

Did you continue writing after November last year?

Did somebody actually ask all these questions?
Some of them, yes. The rest are made up, as always.

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