Noora's NaNoWriMo 2008 FAQ

(Updated 2009-10-12)

Why was this FAQ written in 2009?
I have no idea why I didn't write it last year. I guess I forgot.

What did you write?
I tried to combine two stories and an idea. Neither of them had more than a sketchy start of a plot and I didn't have any good plan for how to tie it all together, so in the end it all failed.

Can I read it?
Ha ha ha ha... No.

Will you do it again next year?
Very unlikely (note: I'm writing this in October "next year"!). I have a sort of idea and some characters, so I could probably write something, but I don't want to end up with yet another unfinished piece of crap. Instead my plan is to pick up one of my old NaNoWriMo novels and edit it.

Did somebody actually ask all these questions?
For once, I actually think all the questions have come up at one point or another. That doesn't mean I can't make things up if I want to!

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