Thoughts before, during and after NaNoWriMo 2004

2004-12-06: We had a TGIO party yesterday. That's part of the fun: meeting others who are crazy enough to do this.
Writing was even more fun this year, and I actually feel like doing something about the story, or writing something else... Too bad my body doesn't like me when I'm writing a lot. Wrists, hands, fingers, arms, shoulders, back, neck... most parts of my upper body start protesting after a month. So now I'm on a "as little computer as possible" diet for a while until everything recovers. I'm hoping my inspiration can survive a week or so more...

2004-11-08: It's november, and I'm participating. I'm a bit behind, but last year I learned that it is never too late to try.

2004-10-18: My arm and shoulder are getting better. Thus the icon - I'm now planning to participate.

2004-10-11: October and my right shoulder, elbow and wrist hurt a bit when I use a mouse. I don't know if writing 50000 words in November would be a great idea this year. But now I've got the perfect outline for a story... I've registered on the NaNoWriMo site, but I haven't taken the final step: uploading the participant icon and puting it here. Will I resist or fall for the temptation? We'll see in just three weeks.

2004-09-08: It's September and I'm already thinking about NaNoWriMo. Last year's novel resides on my hard drive, unedited and unfinished (the 50000 words only covered about half the story). I'm beginning to think I'll never be successful in editing a story after writing it, so what's the point of writing down more stories? The point is that at least they're written down once. I don't write for others, I write for myself. Thus it doesn't matter how horrible and unedited the text is. At least it is in writing rather than in my mind.
I haven't yet decided if I want to participate in NaNoWriMo 2004. Last year NaNoWriMo almost caused a mental breakdown, but it also taught me a lot about myself and why I write. It taught me a lot about time and priorities. I have a month and a half to think through my priorities before deciding whether to participate this year. I am however very tempted to start thinking of a couple of outlines just in case...

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