Information about copyright

All information (text, pictures, etc) presented on these pages are, unless stated otherwise, Copyright © Magnus Ihse. This means that they are protected under international copyright laws. If you want to use information (text, pictures, etc) from these pages on your own web pages, or elsewhere, then you must contact me first.

You are however more than welcome to link to my pages! I would rather see that you link to my home page, or the home pages of my Adolphson-Falk pages or the Nethello-pages, and not to individual pages further down the hierarchy. Furthermore I would be very happy if you sent me an e-mail telling me you're linking me. Thus I can link you back, and I can also notify you if I ever move the pages you're linking to.

It is my wish that all information on these pages should be correct and fresh. Unfortunately, to manage a web site like this requires a lot of time. It could therefore happen that information gets old, or that links to external web sites get broken ("link rot"). If you find anything that is or seems to be incorrect, please notify me and I'll fix it!

Copyright © 1997 Magnus Ihse. Last updated 17 november 1997.