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Re: Cross Realm HELP

More information:

I can kinit to realm A, and then use ldapsearch -Y GSSAPI to access the ldap directory in realm A.

I cannot kinit to realm B, and then use ldapsearch -Y GSSAPI to access the ldap directory in realm A. (Even though there's a trust between the realms B and A)

However, I can first kinit to B, use kvno to manually get a ticket for the ldap directory in realm A (kvno ldap/domainA@realmA), and then use ldapsearch -Y GSSAPI to access the ldap directory in realm A.

Another nugget of information is that the ldapsearch that comes standard with my linux box (Fedora) works fine. I kinit to realm B, ldapsearch on realm A, and it all works. But when I create my own ldapsearch with (heimdal, cyrus-sasl, openldap) I run into the above problem. I can't think of what I could be doing wrong though.

Any ideas?

   - Jeremiah  inlovewithGod@gmail.com

On 9/24/05, Buck Huppmann <buckh@pobox.com > wrote:
On Fri, Sep 23, 2005 at 11:13:44AM -0400, Jeremiah Martell wrote:
> Buck,
> Thanks again.
> I will definitely try what you suggested. I do have a copy of kinit and
> klist on my Linux box. However, I noticed that I can't find the kinit and
> klist that is built by heimdal. I've looked in the install directory I gave
> heimdal's configure, but it's not there. Am I missing something?

sorry. can't help you there, unless you have a log of your build
process and config.log and config.status