Home What is this? Who are you guys anyway? Prelude The Route The Diary The Gallery FAQ Contacting us

What is this?

This is a true story about some students enjoying their last vacation together berfore graduating.

We hope that you, dear Reader, will visit us frequently, as we will try to update this story as often as possible. This trip will take place in the US during July 1999.

These pages are divided into three main parts:

The Route MapLast updated: Tuesday, 11-Jan-2000 18:50:30 MET
This is a map where we pinpoint the places were we have been thus allowing you to see our route. The places on the map links directly into the Diary.
The DiaryLast updated: Tuesday, 11-Jan-2000 18:50:30 MET
The Diary is the heart of the story, here you can read what we have written and experienced during our trip. The storys length is directly depending upon how much spare time we have and how often we find a computer connected to the net.
The Photo GalleryLast updated: Tuesday, 11-Jan-2000 18:50:30 MET
Not all pictures taken can be squeezed into the Diary. Instead we try to upload as many pictures as possible into the Gallery where you can see them al.
There are also some other sections like the FAQ, a presentation of us, a short introduction to why we are doing this trip now and finally some information about how you can get in touch with us.