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More on pkinit and proxy certificates

Hi all,
I have a problem when using pkinit with a proxy certificate. Using the 
normal certificate works fine.

I am using the globus grid-proxy-init to produce the proxy certificate:
    root@black:~# grid-proxy-init -out /root/proxycert.pem
This produces a file that has the proxy certificate, the proxy key and 
the initial certificate.
Then I execute
    root@black:~# /usr/heimdal/bin/kinit -C FILE:/root/proxycert.pem 
that returns
    kinit: Password incorrect

Looking at the kdc I have:

2007-01-31T01:32:03 AS-REQ root@GRIDCC.ORG from IPv4: for 
2007-01-31T01:32:03 Client sent patypes: PK-INIT(ietf)
2007-01-31T01:32:03 Looking for PKINIT pa-data -- root@GRIDCC.ORG
2007-01-31T01:32:03 PKINIT: failed to verify signature: Key usage 
missing from CA certificate; Key usage keyCertSign required but missing 
from certifiate CN=User Name,OU=org unit ,O=organization,C=GR: 569872
2007-01-31T01:32:03 Failed to decode PKINIT PA-DATA -- root@GRIDCC.ORG
2007-01-31T01:32:03 Looking for ENC-TS pa-data -- root@GRIDCC.ORG
2007-01-31T01:32:03 No preauth found, returning PREAUTH-REQUIRED -- 
2007-01-31T01:32:03 sending 380 bytes to IPv4:
2007-01-31T01:32:03 AS-REQ root@GRIDCC.ORG from IPv4: for 
2007-01-31T01:32:03 Client sent patypes: encrypted-timestamp, PK-INIT(ietf)
2007-01-31T01:32:03 Looking for PKINIT pa-data -- root@GRIDCC.ORG
2007-01-31T01:32:03 PKINIT: failed to verify signature: Key usage 
missing from CA certificate; Key usage keyCertSign required but missing 
from certifiate CN=User Name,OU=org unit ,O=organization,C=GR: 569872
2007-01-31T01:32:03 Failed to decode PKINIT PA-DATA -- root@GRIDCC.ORG
2007-01-31T01:32:03 Looking for ENC-TS pa-data -- root@GRIDCC.ORG
2007-01-31T01:32:03 Failed to decrypt PA-DATA -- root@GRIDCC.ORG 
(enctype aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96) error Decrypt integrity check failed
2007-01-31T01:32:03 Failed to decrypt PA-DATA -- root@GRIDCC.ORG
2007-01-31T01:32:03 sending 125 bytes to IPv4:

The failure seems to be associated with the lack of Key usage 
keyCertSign for the client certificate. What can be done in order to 
solve this?

I have also tested the above procedure by manually changing the proxy 
and produced the key to resemble the one in the tests 
(lib/hx509/data/pkinit-proxy-chain.crt) and excecuted the command
    root@black:~# /usr/heimdal/bin/kinit -C 
FILE:/root/proxycert.pem,/root/proxykey.pem root@GRIDCC.ORG
 the result was failure again with
    kinit: Password incorrect

At the KDC the error was similar to the previous:
PKINIT: failed to verify signature: Key usage missing from CA 
certificate; Key usage keyCertSign required but missing from certificate....
