Passepartout: Mailing lists

There are two mailing lists concerning Passepartout:

<> subscribe
General discussion regarding passepartout. How to use, how to compile, future directions, etc. Anyone can post to this list.
<> subscribe
Low-volume announcement list. New versions / patches will be announced here. Only the Passepartout developers can post to this list.

Everything that is sent to the announcement list is also sent to the discussion list, so there is no need to subscribe to both lists.

List archives and news interface

The Passepartout mailing list is archived at Gmane and is also available through the NNTP interface, in case you prefer to access the list using your news reader.

Reporting a bug

Use Gnome Bugzilla

Don't hesitate to send bug reports! They improve the quality of the program. Since we are also concerned about being user-friendly, you should also contact us if you think something about Passepartout is strange or annoying.

We hope to hear from you!

Contact the authors

Passepartout is developed by Fredrik Arnerup <> and Rasmus Kaj <>. Bug reports, suggestions, contributions and praise should be sent to the disccusion list, see above.

W3C HTML 4.01, W3C CSS.
The Passepartout developers
– Rasmus & Fredrik